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Our first Erasmus+ at the Caribbean!

Did you know that Europe includes lots of overseas territories some of them located in heavenly places, destinations of a niche and exclusive tourism? And that with Erasmus+ we can choose one of these dream locations to be trained?

One of these is Turks and Caicos archipelago, situated in the Atlantic Ocean in the Caribbean, an overseas British territory. A group of unpoiled reef islands which appeal increases if you know its history: a legend says that Cristopher Columbus landed here when he reached the New World. A den of pirates and smugglers, these islands are nowadays among the top exclusive destinations of Hollywood stars, vips and in general of people looking for white sandy beaches, unspoiled reefs and waters and for an exlusive and high standard tourism.

As soon as we arrived, we were immediately won over by the smiles and kindness of local people, by their welcoming and hugs. We immediately felt at home.

Our learning was really diversified: we learnt by people's traditions, folklore, religion, food, by their culture and, at the same time, we learnt skills and passion thanks to a prestigiuos intern at the luxury 5-star resort awarded The World's #1 Best Beach da TripAdvisor's Travelers' Choice awards, chosen mainly by American guests like an exclusive place of relax, holiday and entertaiment.

We learnt and discovered plenty of things: vocational skills, enterprising spirit, flexibiity, inclusion and tellerance. We learnt to know ourselves bettter, to be more self confident, we met new friends, we had great fun, by playing many sports at the beach, by doing snorkelling, collecting coconut and preparing banana bread all together.

“Thinking back to that period” writes Arianna, one of the lucky student “I immediately start to smile. I tried and learnt a different method of working; in the resort where I did my intern people were really happy and lighthearted and I felt at ease and part of the staff”. “That experience has been very useful for my job, to improve my English but especially from a personal and cultural point of view” continues Lara. “It was amazing; I din't tink was possible to learn so many things just in one month . Now I am more flexible, open minded; all the people there were black, and for the first time in my life we were the different ones!! The greatest discovery has been about myself; I am really proud of myself becuase I have been able to face any situation and I now I know that I am stronger than what I thought. ”.

A unique experience, without any border and limit, to discover talents and gifts. An experience that I wish any of you will do soon!

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Siamo un gruppo di studenti e insegnanti dell'IIS Einstein Nebbia di Loreto. Alcuni di noi sono Ambasciatori Erasmus e si sa, chi è Ambasciatore lo rimane per tutta la vita. Ecco dunque il nostro impegno: farvi innamorare del programma Erasmus, spingere tutti voi a partire per scoprire voi stessi, le vostre passioni e i vostri talenti. Il mondo vi aspetta! Vogliamo raccontarvi delle mille opportunità che avete, vogliamo contagiarvi con il nostro entusiasmo, vogliamo raccontarvi come la vita di alcuni di noi è cambiata e come molti dei nostri sogni si sono avverati!  



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