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HI, I'm Alex, I'm 20 and I attend the 5cb at IIS Einstein NEbbia in Loreto, in Italy.

Last May I went to Granada in Spain for my Erasmus and it was great fun! I visited many new places, I lived in a house with lots of friends. I already knew some of them while I had never met some of them before.

It was an amazing and memorable experience. I worked in a restaurant full of guys like me. Working wasn't hard, sometimes I had some problems with Spanish language. I set the tables, dried dishes and glasses and prepared sandwiches.

The first days were a bit difficult because I felt not at ease, I missed my family and my friends but then everything changed. I can say I felt good far away from my family. I lived with guys like me who helped me so much, they were so kind and funny. They taught me to respect some rules we had inside our house.

When I had some free time, I went to eat with them in some restaurants and to visit the town which is amazing, I like it so much. One evening an odd thing happened: I wanted to have a Coke, I went out alone but I could not come back home. I got lost. I phoned my friends and they immediately picked me up.

It was a beautiful experience, I will never forget it.

I lived another awesome experience in Siviglia. We went to the sea, we played at the beach and we swam together.

The Erasmus has been a lesson in life for me. I will do that again and again. I suggest i to everybody because it helps to grow up, it let you visit and know new places all over Europe and make new friends.



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Chi siamo


Siamo un gruppo di studenti e insegnanti dell'IIS Einstein Nebbia di Loreto. Alcuni di noi sono Ambasciatori Erasmus e si sa, chi è Ambasciatore lo rimane per tutta la vita. Ecco dunque il nostro impegno: farvi innamorare del programma Erasmus, spingere tutti voi a partire per scoprire voi stessi, le vostre passioni e i vostri talenti. Il mondo vi aspetta! Vogliamo raccontarvi delle mille opportunità che avete, vogliamo contagiarvi con il nostro entusiasmo, vogliamo raccontarvi come la vita di alcuni di noi è cambiata e come molti dei nostri sogni si sono avverati!  



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